Understand the diversity of planetary systems in our Galaxy

Are we alone? Are there other planets like ours? Does life exist elsewhere in the universe?

Every new discovery of a planet beyond our solar system helps us refine our notion of the cosmos and understand humankind’s place within it. JPL is at the forefront of efforts to discover Earth-like planets, enabled by our work in developing the technologies and next- generation telescopes to detect and characterize habitable planets, measure their atmospheres, and find the chemical signposts of life.


The Solar System Exploration Directorate studies the Solar System by investigating the formation and evolution of Solar System bodies, searching for evidence of life on the ocean moons of Saturn and Jupiter, and undertaking detailed analyses of Solar System environments in preparation for possible future human spaceflight missions.

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The Interplanetary Network Directorate (IND) is JPL’s programmatic focal point for deep space communications, navigation, and mission operations, and performs world-class Solar System science and astrophysics. The IND is responsible for the design, development, operation, and services for three of NASA’s key mission-enabling systems: the Deep Space Network (DSN), the Advanced Multi-Mission Operations System (AMMOS), and the Planetary Data System (PDS) support nodes.

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