Close-up View of Atete Corona
Jet Propulsion Laboratory June 3, 1998
The view is a close-up of Atete Corona, a 600-km-long and 450-km-wide feature at latitude 16 degrees S., longitude 244 degrees; looking north. Coronae are roughly circular volcanic features believed to form over hot upwellings of magma within the Venusian mantle. The north end of the corona bounds Parga Chasma, a 0-3 km deep depression that spans 1,870 km connecting Themis Regio (latitude 35 degrees S., longitude 285 degrees) and Maat Mons (latitude 0 degree, longitude 195 degrees).
This is a three-dimensional perspective view of Venusian Terrains composed of reduced resolution left-looking synthetic-aperture radar images merged with altimetry data from the Magellan spacecraft.