'We Conquered Jupiter': Juno Enters Orbit
Systems, this is Nav. Go ahead Nav. Yeah, we see the expected uh sharp shift upward in the Doppler residuals, indicating the main engine has started. Yeah! [applause] Copy that. That's good news. And we're still awaiting confirmation [unintelligible] tones. [applause]
All stations on Juno Cord at this time we see the tone on minimum burn timers. Almost there! [roar] [cheers] All stations on Juno Cord, we have the turn for burn cutoff on delta-V. [unintelligible] on Juno. Welcome to Jupiter! [applause] Woo-hoo! [cheers]
Burn time was 21 0 2 seconds, only differing one second off of the pre-burn predictions. [applause]
What a feeling! A mission of this complexity, uh, to accomplish tonight is...is just truly amazing. And it really highlights the partnership and the teamwork between, between NASA and our contractors and our partners to be able to be able to achieve this, this amazing amazing mission.
So, tonight, through tones, Juno sang to us. And it was a song of perfection.
The team, the amount of time and effort everyone put into this and the risks that were overcome, it's amazing. I mean, the more you know about the mission, you know just how tricky this was. And to have it be flawless, I mean, I really can't put it into words.
And you see a handful of people up here. But what we represent is a team of almost 900 people that built and launched Juno. And roughly 300 people that operated it and got us all the way through into Jupiter orbit tonight.
Putting an orbiter around Jupiter is, uh, you know, that's the reason we all go into this profession. It's uh, it's science fiction and yet it's fact. You get a, a uh, really great dedicated team of a lot off people working really hard for a really long time, you can do some amazing things.
NASA did it again! [cheers and applause] We're in orbit! We conquered Jupiter. Ha ha! [applause]