Solar System.
Dance of Particles in Saturn's F Ring
Jet Propulsion Laboratory July 20, 2010
This movie features a simulation showing the changes to a portion of Saturn's F ring as the shepherding moon Prometheus swings by it.
Title - This animation is based on images obtained by cameras on NASA's Cassini spacecraft.
Title - Dance of Particles in Saturn's F Ring
Title - As the moon Prometheus swings by, particles in the F ring begin to dance.
Title - The gravitational pull of Prometheus starts the waltz.
Title - A pattern forms and is duplicated around the ring.
Title - Prometheus creates the "streamer-channel phenomenon."
Title - The moon pulls particles toward it like a streamer and disperses them in a channel.
Title - Scientists think the particles bunch up at the edges of the channels,
Title - causing clumping and objects to form.
Title - 60 days later
Title - Prometheus is passing by the same part of the F ring for a second time.
Title - The F ring is still rippling with the complicated patterns formed by the last visit.
Title - More streamer channels form.
Title - Perhaps this is why the structure of the F ring is so complex.
Title - NASA. Jet Propulsion Laboratory. California Institute of Technology.
Title - Dance of Particles in Saturn's F Ring
Title - As the moon Prometheus swings by, particles in the F ring begin to dance.
Title - The gravitational pull of Prometheus starts the waltz.
Title - A pattern forms and is duplicated around the ring.
Title - Prometheus creates the "streamer-channel phenomenon."
Title - The moon pulls particles toward it like a streamer and disperses them in a channel.
Title - Scientists think the particles bunch up at the edges of the channels,
Title - causing clumping and objects to form.
Title - 60 days later
Title - Prometheus is passing by the same part of the F ring for a second time.
Title - The F ring is still rippling with the complicated patterns formed by the last visit.
Title - More streamer channels form.
Title - Perhaps this is why the structure of the F ring is so complex.
Title - NASA. Jet Propulsion Laboratory. California Institute of Technology.