More than 120 students will converge on the Jet Propulsion Laboratory April 26-28 in hopes of designing a realistic proposal for a human colony on the moon. The exercise is all part of SPACESET, the sixth annual Space Settlement Design Competition to be held at JPL.
The students, ages 15 to 20, will be divided into mock aerospace companies and will work with engineers from the industry as they use their math and science skills to create the best plans for a lunar base. At the end of the competition the students will make a formal presentation of their designs to a panel of judges consisting of members of the aerospace industry. Prizes will be awarded to each member of the winning team.
"This is a valuable opportunity for any high school student interested in science and engineering to see what a career in these fields could be like," said Brian Behlendorf, SPACESET '91 Director.
The cost of the event is $50, including accommodations and meals for the weekend.
SPACESET '91 is sponsored by the JPL Space Exploration Post 509. For further information please contact the SPACESET Hotline at (818) 354-7868.