A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Caltech and the U.S. Army has been established, and is expected to result in significant new project activity at Caltech's Jet Propulsion Laboratory for the Army.
The MOU, signed Thursday, April 1, 1982, by Assistant Secretary of the Army Dr. Jay R. Sculley, Caltech President Marvin L. Goldberger, and JPL Director Dr. Bruce C. Murray, initiates long-term relationship for development of major prototype and research programs by JPL in specific areas, including autonomous systems, information systems and technology, remote sensing instrumentation, telecommunica tions and navigation.
It is expected that these efforts will occupy approximately 300 engineers and scientists at the Laboratory. The first projects will start as early as fiscal year 1983.
JPL is an operating division of Caltech, performing scientific research and development using facilities provided by NASA.