NASA astronaut Anthony England will tell more than 200 teachers how the U.S. space station can help classroom education at day-long meeting on "Communications in Education" at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory on May 2l.
England will be one of series of experts in advanced communications technology to appear at the meeting. Experts from the California Department of Education will explain telecommunications, school emergency communications, remotely controlled communications, and how ham radio operators can be used by teachers to bring communications technology into the classroom.
The teachers will also hear how they can get funding for communications equipment in the classroom.
Dr. Gil Yanow of JPL said that there are variety of ways teachers can use radio and other communications media as classroom aids. "What better way for students to study Alaska than to talk by radio to people in Alaska? class can study civics by talking, via radio, to its elected representatives in Washington, D.C."
JPL's Amateur Radio Club will demonstrate variety of communications technologies to the teachers. And fifth- and sixth-grade students from Glenoaks Elementary School and Luther Burbank Elementary School will show how they use satellite communications to talk to "air pals" in Argentina, Australia and Israel.
The day-long program is sponsored by Yaesu U.S.A., communications company, and JPL's Amateur Radio Club.