Showing 1–11 of 11 results
An infrared space telescope designed to help advance NASA’s planetary defense efforts .
Launch date: September 2027
Farside Seismic Suite will deliver two sensitive seismometers to the far side of the Moon, where they will measure far-side moonquakes and meteor impacts for the first time ever. .
Launch date: 2026
A trio of small rovers will work as a team to explore the Moon autonomously, mapping the subsurface in 3D, collecting distributed measurements, and showing the potential of multirobot missions. .
Launch date: 2025
ASTHROS (short for Astrophysics Stratospheric Telescope for High Spectral Resolution Observations at Submillimeter-wavelengths) is a high-altitude balloon mission for studying astrophysical phenomena. .
Launch date: Dec. 1, 2024
NASA’s Lunar Trailblazer mission will provide new insights into the lunar water cycle. .
Launch date: 2024
VERITAS, short for Venus Emissivity, Radio science, InSAR, Topography, And Spectroscopy, is a Venus orbiter designed to reveal how the paths of Venus and Earth diverged, and how Venus lost its potential as a habitable world. .
Launch date: TBD
The Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment, or SunRISE, is an array of six toaster-size CubeSats that will work together to study solar activity. .
Published: Aug. 4, 2021
The Spectro-Photometer for the History of the Universe, Epoch of Reionization and Ices Explorer (SPHEREx) mission will provide the first all-sky spectral survey. Over a two-year planned mission, the SPHEREx Observatory will collect data on more than 450 million galaxies along with more than 100 million stars in the Milky Way in order to explore the origins of the universe. .
Published: Aug. 31, 2020
The Roman Coronagraph Instrument is a system of masks, prisms, detectors, filters, and self-flexing mirrors built to demonstrate new technologies for blocking out the glare of stars and directly imaging the planets and disks in orbit around them. it will fly aboard NASA’s Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, formerly the Wide Field InfraRed Survey Telescope (WFIRST). .
Published: May 28, 2020
Currently in development, MAIA will make radiometric and polarimetric measurements needed to characterize the sizes, compositions and quantities of particulate matter in air pollution. .
The Interplanetary NanoSpacecraft Pathfinder In Relevant Environment (INSPIRE) project will demonstrate the revolutionary capability of deep space CubeSats by placing a nanospacecraft in Earth-escape orbit. .