DISP Product Suite
The Level-3 Surface Displacement (DISP) product is derived from an interferometric time-series analysis of the Level-2 Coregistered Single Look Complex products (CSLCs). They capture the displacement in the radar line-of-sight and provide information on anthropogenic and natural changes of Earth's surface, such as subsidence, tectonics, and landslides. The DISP suite is composed of complementary products, which are named according to their respective leveraged input datasets. Specifically, separate DISP products are generated from Sentinel-1 and NISAR and are called DISP-S1 and DISP-NI, respectively, which are created for each acquisition. The products are designed to share the same structure, HDF5 file format, file-naming convention, and have posting of 30 m. All products will be accessible through the Alaska Satellite Facility Distributed Active Archive Center (ASF DAAC).
Below we provide the DISP product specification document and product samples that conform to the detailed specifications.
DISP for Sentinel-1 (DISP-S1)
DISP-S1 Product Specification Document
This document describes the specifications of the OPERA Level-3 Surface Displacement (DISP) Beta product that uses Level-2 Sentinel-1 CSLC (CSLC-S1) products as the primary image-based input. Accordingly, this data product is referred to by the short name DISP-S1.
To contact us or give feedback: opera.sep@jpl.nasa.gov