Venus - Danu Montes and Lakshmi Planum
Southwest Lakshmi Planum (plains) is bounded on the south by the Danu Montes (mountains). Lakshmi Planum is an elevated plateau plain that is bounded on all sides by mountain chains. Here, the Danu mountains have an angular fractured appearance. Chasms slice diagonally across the mountains in the lower left (southwest) corner of the image. Because of the steep slopes and the local relief of the mountains of several kilometers (2-3 miles, these fault-bounded troughs appear to zig-zag through the mountains when, in fact, they are probably straight if viewed from above. The radar view provides a perspective that would place the viewer's eye to the right, 27 degrees above the horizon. Thus, slopes facing to the right can be seen completely, though dark, and slopes facing away to the left appear shortened, often seen only as thin bright lines. In the center of the image is a low volcanic dome (20 kilometers (12 miles) in diameter. This type of volcanic feature frequently occurs on the low plains. This dome on the edge of Lakshmi is deformed and faulted where it has been affected by the forces that created the Danu mountains. The image is 75 kilometers (46 miles) on a side. The center is at 60 degrees north latitude, 324.5 degrees east longitude.