Explore space and science activities that students can do with NASA at Home, including video tutorials for making rockets, Mars rovers, Moon landers, and more.
Explore space and science activities that students can do with NASA at Home, including video tutorials for making rockets, Mars rovers, Moon landers, and more.
Students will investigate the action-reaction principal (Newton's third law of motion) by creating water-propelled engines and changing different variables to see how their engines perform.
Students will investigate the action-reaction principal (Newton's third law of motion) by creating water-propelled engines and changing different variables to see how their engines perform.
Students design, build and program a robotic “super crawler” to transport a payload from a starting position to a target launch pad, deliver the payload in an upright position and return the robot to the starting point.
Students design, build and program a robotic “super crawler” to transport a payload from a starting position to a target launch pad, deliver the payload in an upright position and return the robot to the starting point.