Public Event
Asteroid Day
Wednesday, June 30Where:
OnlineTarget Audience:
General PublicOverview:
A global day of awareness sanctioned by the United Nations, Asteroid Day is observed each year on June 30 and is designed to educate the public about asteroids and the importance of defending our planet against a potential impact.
Take part by learning how NASA studies and tracks these relics of the solar system and get students engaged in STEM learning with lessons and activities all about asteroids and comets. Explore the links below to learn more and get started.
For All Audiences
Teachable Moments – How NASA Studies and Tracks Asteroids Near and Far
Here’s how NASA uses math and science to track the movements of asteroids and find out what they’re made of – and students can, too.
Teaching Space With NASA – Tracking Asteroids
In this educational talk, NASA experts discuss how we track and study comets and asteroids.
Asteroids Articles from NASA/JPL Edu News
Read about NASA missions exploring asteroids, and meet the interns taking part in the discovery process.
For Students
How Does NASA Spot a Near-Earth Asteroid?
Watch this one-minute video to find out how NASA spots and tracks asteroids that fly close to Earth.
Type Video
Subject Science
Grades K-12
Make a Moon Crater
Make craters like the ones you can see on the Moon using simple baking ingredients!
Type Project
Subject Science
Grades 2-8
Describe Rocks Like a NASA Scientist
Learn how to describe rock samples like a NASA scientist. Then, take a quiz to see if you can match edible rocks made of candy bars – and real rocks from Earth and space – to the correct description.
Type Project
Subject Science
Grades 4-8
What's That Space Rock?
Find out how to tell the difference between asteroids, comets, meteors, meteorites and other bodies in our solar system.
Type Slideshow
Subject Science
Grades 5-12
All Asteroids Activities for Students
Explore projects, videos, slideshows, and games for students all about asteroids.
Type Varies
Subject All
Grades K-12
For Educators
Whip Up a Moon-Like Crater
Whip up a moon-like crater with baking ingredients as a demonstration for students.
Subject Science
Grades 1-6
Time 30-60 mins
Create a Comet with Dry Ice
Build an icy model of a comet out of dry ice -- complete with shooting jets! -- as a demonstration for students.
Subject Science
Grades 2-5
Time Less than 30 mins
Comet on a Stick
Students build their own comet models using craft materials.
Subject Science
Grades 2-8
Time 30-60 mins
Modeling an Asteroid
Lead a discussion about asteroids and their physical properties, then have students mold their own asteroids out of clay.
Subject Science
Grades 3-5
Time 30-60 mins
Sample Science: A 'Pi in the Sky' Math Challenge
In this illustrated math problem, students use pi to arrive at an asteroid-sample solution.
Subject Math
Grades 7-8
Time Less then 30 mins
Math Rocks: A Lesson in Asteroid Dynamics
Students use math to investigate a real-life asteroid impact.
Subject Math
Grades 8-12
Time 30-60 mins
All Asteroids Lessons for Educators
Explore a collection of standards-aligned lessons all about asteroids and craters.
Subject All
Grades 1-12
Time Varies
Explore More
- Student Article: What Is an Asteroid?
- Student Article: All About Comets
- Student Article: What Is a Meteor Shower?
- Student Article: What Is an Impact Crater?
- Student Article: Why Does the Moon Have Craters?
- Student Article: Asteroid or Meteor: What's the Difference?
- Student Article: Make a Comet on a Stick!
- Facts & Figures: Asteroid Watch
- Facts & Figures: NASA Solar System Exploration - Asteroids, Comets & Meteors