
Saturday, August 15, 3 a.m. to 6 a.m.


Below the Moon

Target Audience:

General Audience


The bright planet Venus will appear below the waning crescent Moon in the early morning on August 15. Venus will rise about 4 degrees below the Moon in the east-northeast sky at about 3 a.m. with the pair visible through twilight until about 6 a.m.

Learn more in this month's episode of NASA's "What's Up" video series:

Here's what you can see in the sky in August 2020. | Watch on YouTube

For more details and skywatching tips, visit NASA's Solar System Exploration website.

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Events are based on visibility in the Northern Hemisphere. Dates and clock times are for the Pacific time zone unless otherwise noted. Clock times are approximate and may vary depending on your north/south position in the U.S.