About JPL
JPL is a research and development lab federally funded by NASA and managed by Caltech.
JPL Life
Featured Mission
Perseverance Rover
Missions and instruments built or managed by JPL have visited every planet in our solar system and the sun and have entered interstellar space.
News and Features
Read the latest news and discoveries from JPL’s dozens of active space missions exploring Earth, the solar system and worlds beyond.
Featured Article
NASA Sensor Produces First Global Maps of Surface Minerals in Arid Regions
Featured Image
NASA Explores a Winter Wonderland on Mars
Images, videos, and audio from JPL, Earth, and space.
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Engage With Us
Learn how to experience JPL through tours, the von Kármán Lecture Series, JPL Speakers Bureau, exhibits, and Special Events.
Visit JPL
For tour information and to book a tour of JPL, please click on the Public Tours link. Click on Virtual Tour to enjoy a virtual visit to many sites at JPL including the historic Mission Control, the Mars Yard, and the Spacecraft Assembly Facility.
Virtual Tour
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory Adds New Stops to Its Virtual Tour
Solar System
JPL Postdoctoral Fellow