New Millennium Program


Overview | Partnerships

Children and Space
The Space Place partners with many national and community organizations on a regular basis to deliver materials designed to educate children about the practical uses of science and technology. "Club Space Place" provides posters, lithographs, stickers, and quarterly guides for NASA-mission-related structured activities. These partners include museums and libraries in 50 states, as well as a number of organizations dedicated to the education and well-being of children and youth, such as the:

  • YWCA, a young women's association
  • Boys and Girls Clubs of America
  • Civil Air Patrol
  • 21st Century Community Learning Centers
  • 4-H Aerospace Education Program
YWCA Logo Boys and Girls Clubs of America Logo CAP Logo
4H Logo 21st Century Learning Logo

Club Space Place also provides help with Girl Scouting and Cub Scouting badge achievement by mapping its activities to various badge requirements on different levels. Plus, nearly 200 amateur astronomy clubs partner with The Space Place, which contributes informative, original articles to their monthly newsletters and provides space-related videos, at no charge beyond postage, through a new lending library. And, The Space Place provides a place (the many facets of Friends Share) for budding artists, future scientists and engineers, and young people with visions for the new millennium to be "seen" and "heard."

Additionally, during the school year, The Space Place contributes several articles, with classroom activities, to the International Technology Education Association's (ITEA) educator journal, The Technology Teacher.


After a period of time The Space Place articles are made available to all teachers (and everyone), as Adobe Acrobat downloadable files (.pdf), from the site's "Teacher's Corner" link. Most of these activities can be adapted for grades 4-8 and some may be of interest to grades 9-12. This link also provides printable images of space and Earth plus a downloadable file (.pdf) of links to math-related articles and activities. And, The Space Place contributes a regular column for each issue of ITEA's quarterly journal, Technology & Children. Additionally, the National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE) publishes a Space Place column in both English and Spanish in each of its bi-monthly journals, NABE News. Articles and activities for all three publications are developed in support of ITEA's "Standards for Technological Literacy."

Launched in 1998, this award winning site continues to develop interesting and exciting materials. All NASA missions and enterprises are invited to participate in the The Space Place outreach venture.

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